
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Crazed Muslim Tries to Ressurect Dad

I’m going to guess he doesn’t believe all that crap about 72 virgins.


From Reuters here:

KARACHI (Reuters) – Pakistani police are hunting a man who dug up his father’s two-year old corpse and took it home in a hijacked ambulance to try to bring him back to life.

Abdul Rehman’s family say he is mentally ill and has never been able to cope with his father’s death, police said on Saturday.

“He dug up the corpse on Thursday night after he had hijacked an ambulance and its driver at gunpoint and took it to his home,” Ghulam Murtaza, told Reuters.

“He told us he saw Rehman chanting magic spells and pouring rose water on the corpse to bring it back to life and was crying bitterly,” Murtaza said.

Rehman faces a year in jail for defiling a corpse, police said.

When I first saw the part about using magic spells, I was surprised.  I was certain that Islam had wiped out all pagan customs within their lands.  And rest assured that the penalty for witchcraft would be death.  Yet, this man is only wanted for defiling a corpse, not for spell casting?

It turns out that the whacky Shia sect of Islam believes that Husayn, the son of Muhammad, had his skull resurrected by an Islamic priest, using chants and rosewater.  The grieving son was likely only trying the same recipe. 

From Shia Online here:

The priest took the head of Hazarat Imam Husain (Allah be pleased with him) and washed it with rose water and other good smelling flower extract and kept it with utmost respect in front of him on a table. Then he stood in front of the head.

As he stood there, he saw a diving light illuminated the atmosphere right from the earth to the sky. Till morning the priest watched this mystic scene and suddenly uttered these words,” O son of the Prophet, you are not dead but alive and I bear witness that is no God but Allaha and Muhammed is His Prophet.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Crazed Muslim Tries to Ressurect Dad

  • Bhattacharya

    Islam does believe in reincarnation & as this article says-the man was mentally ill. Since he is mental, you can find Christians or people of any faith doing this if they have same mental illness as this man. Hinduism believes in reincarnation but Islam does not. Islam believes in wearing veils, but you can find non-Muslim women wearing veils.

    If a woman wants to wear a veil, burka or Hijab, then it should be her right to if she is doing it voluntarily. Of course if you get a driver’s license or other ID, then you have to show face, but in most cases woman should have the right to wear a veil or Burka. & just because a woman wears a veil or burka, that doesn’t mean that she is forced to do so, nor does it mean that she is dumb-go to a university & you’ll see Muslim students who wear the veils & burkas studying science, business, accounting, etc. But most Muslim women don’t wear veils & the veil is going out of fashion.

    While most women who wear them will be Moslem, you can find some women who aren’t Muslim who wear them because they like them There are 4 billion women & you’ll find individual non-Moslem women who will wear a veil, hijab or burka because they think it’s fashionable & like to. Those # would be in the exception but there are exceptions to any rule. Since you live in Florida & have probably been to the beaches, you know that on the beach, many to most of the women who wear bikinis are not the prettiest 1s & quite a few are menopausal crones. But while it’s not pretty, I don’t have a right to tell a crone that she can’t wear a bikini to the beach because they’re too ugly.

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