Worst Oscars Evah?
That seems to be the consensus. And unlike the so-called “consensus of scientists on climate change,” this time its a real consensus. Proof here, here, here and here.
I watched all four hours. Not really, my wife watched, and I sat on the chez with my nose in the laptop. But I could tell she was bored. And pissed too. Pan’s Labyrinth took way too many statues for such a crappy movie. Al Gore’s stupid science fiction movie was treated like it was the holy grail while better movies about AIDS in China, Iraq Documentaries and the Gay Meth Preacher movie didn’t get anything.
All of America rolled their eyes when Melissa Etheridge won for best music. I mean C’Mon! It beat Dreamgirls? Can the shallow political views of the Academy be any more apparent?
I love Ellen Degeneres, and thought she did a pretty good job. But was she wearing a velvet tux? And what was up with that Vacuuming skit? I hope she comes back next year, and also hope she is not so self deprecating.
Comedy Gold came when I pointed out George Lucas’ enormous jabba-the-hutt chin to my wife. She was totally freaked out by it and she was fixated on it the rest of the night, uttering over and over, “Why have I never noticed that? Is that a disease? Its so gross! He could get a tuck!”
Honestly, you know why the Oscars sucked? The movies this year sucked.
Overall, it was a pretty weak awards show. I still can’t get over how much the Hollywood celebs fawn all over Al Gore from one little slideshow documentary. I guess they have a new cause.
Hey PoliticalCritic, welcome to the blog. The “Cause” may very well explain what is happening. Remember several years ago when everyone was wearing the AIDS ribbons? Those were absent this year, and a documentary about 75,000 orphaned children due to AIDS was passed over for this new “cause.”
Documentary? Al Gore’s movie is about as much of a documentary as “This Is Spinal Tap”.
I loved Pan’s Labyrinth.
Oh well.
I didn’t bother watching the Oscars because I never enjoy any awards shows, so why keep torturing myself?
That’s usually my rule too. But my beautiful bride insists on watching it, which pretty much means I have to watch it too.
I didn’t like Pan’s labyrinth because of the gratuitous violence. And there was no discernible plot and no real point to the story. No moral. No theme. If I had wanted that, I would have seen Saw 3.
I know Im the one person in a hundred that hated it. Does that make me crazy?