
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Chinese Cyber Rehab for Teens

You know, some of these stories that I stumble upon sound so far-fetched I almost hesitate to post them.  But then again, it is China.  These guys have buses that serve as mobile execution chambers, so why would this really be any more bizarre?


It seems that teens that seem to have problems with wanting to surf the internet all of the time merely lack discipline.  They need to be “re-educated” with the help of some ol’ fashioned Chinese Electro-Shock Therapy.  From VNUnet here:

China is employing a hardcore program of bootcamp-style military training, psychological counselling and even electrocution to deal with the problem of internet addiction.

The program is not mandatory and young sufferers are usually admitted by their parents.  The government-backed clinics can charge parents from $1,300 per month, roughly 10 times the normal Chinese salary, for their child to be treated.

China has previously passed laws banning teens from cyber-cafés and limiting online gaming sessions to five hours before the user is logged out.

The moves follow a survey in the country which found that almost 14 per cent of teens are vulnerable to internet addiction.  The Communist Youth League has also called excessive internet use “a grave social problem”.

You know what else I call a “Grave Social Problem?”  State sponsored forced abortions to enforce a one child per family policy.  Maybe if these kids had brothers and sisters they wouldnt need to go online for social contact.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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