
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Czech President Thinks Al Gore is Insane

It is so refreshing to see a political leader in Europe speaking out for common sense and against leftist eco-religionists who claim that mankind is “ruining” the planet. Vaclav Klaus is the President of the Czech Republic, and he is a conservative economist who believes that prosperity for a nation is the surest way to protect the environment.

Czech President Vaclav Klaus

Drudge had a transcript of a recent interview on his site, and I have excerpted it below-

President of Czech Republic Calls Man-Made Global Warming a ‘Myth’ – Questions Gore’s Sanity

Q: IPCC has released its report and you say that the global warming is a false myth. How did you get this idea, Mr President?

A: It’s not my idea. Global warming is a false myth and every serious person and scientist says so. It is not fair to refer to the U.N. panel. IPCC is not a scientific institution: it’s a political body, a sort of non-government organization of green flavor.

Q: How do you explain that conservative media are skeptical while the left-wing media view the global warming as a done deal?

A: It is not quite exactly divided to the left-wingers and right-wingers. Nevertheless it’s obvious that environmentalism is a new incarnation of modern leftism.

Q: But you’re not a climate scientist. Do you have a sufficient knowledge and enough information?

A: Environmentalism as a metaphysical ideology and as a worldview has absolutely nothing to do with natural sciences or with the climate.

Q: Don’t you believe that we’re ruining our planet?

A: I will pretend that I haven’t heard you. Perhaps only Mr Al Gore may be saying something along these lines: a sane person can’t. I don’t see any ruining of the planet, I have never seen it, and I don’t think that a reasonable and serious person could say such a thing. …we know that there exists a huge correlation between the care we give to the environment on one side and the wealth and technological prowess on the other side. It’s clear that the poorer the society is, the more brutally it behaves with respect to Nature, and vice versa….today, on February 8th, 2007, Nature is protected incomparably more than on February 8th ten years ago or fifty years ago or one hundred years ago.

Poverty stricken countries are indeed brutal to their environment. And wealthy ones work the hardest to preserve the environment.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Czech President Thinks Al Gore is Insane

  • Bhattacharya

    Whether or not greenhouse gases cause global warming, the fact that greenhouse gases are bad for breathing and the idea of cleaning up pollution is a good thing. We are better off w/o greenhouse gases and better off w/o pollution.

    We do know that natural changes in temperature have happened. The Earth’s magnetic field has moved north-tectonic plates have moved. This is not result of man made global warming but is natural. Now yes, it’s possible man made global warming is happening. Is the earth’s rising temperature result of earth’s range to sun (natural) or is it result of man made global warming or is it both? I don’t know but we should clean up pollution.

    Also environmental groups such as Sierra Club and Greenpeace are not to be taken seriously because they are ideologues. Sierra Club’s interest is $. For years Sierra Club took money from Clorox. Sierra Club got criticism for their work with Clorox and while it was wrong-atleast they did not keep it a secret. Sierra Club taking millions of $ from Chesapeake Bay natural gas from 2007 to 2010 was however kept secret until it was disclosed in 2012. Sierra Club is corrupt and cares mainly about money and pushing agenda.

    How can we get cleaner energy? We must use nuclear power, hydroelectric dams, geothermal and in some cases use renewables. But renewable energies which will be explained is not so green as it’s sold and renewables can do environmental damage. We must reduce our use of natural gas and coal and save these fossil fuels.

    Windmills and solar panels, are sold as ‘green’, but they are not. They need more land, use more materials, generate less energy-both the wind and sun are intermittent. Windmills have killed endangered birds and bats. People who live near windmills have higher incidence of hearing loss, migraines, nausea, etc. Solar panels have dangerous chemicals some of which are carcinogenic. Yes, we must also use windmills and solar panels when possible, but let’s end the idea that windmills and solar panels are ‘green’. Windmills and solar (renewable energies) are based on how much sun and wind you get and when renewables don’t give enough, then coal as Germany does is used.

    The main thing here is that we must save fossil fuels such as limiting natural gas to fuel cars and reduce coal usage. That’s why we must use nuclear/atomic power, geothermal and hydroelectric dams (when possible) combined. Nuclear/atomic energy has advanced greatly-they already use less Uranium which lasts longer & more energy. Thorium needs to be perfect. Physicist Kirk F. Sorensen is working to perfect the Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor. It must be said that people like me who support nuclear/atomic power also support geothermal, hydro-electric dams, etc. If a place can get 100% of it’s energy from hydroelectric dams as some places in Canada do, then those places uses hydro-electric & the need for nuclear is not there. If a place can get 100% of it’s energy from geothermal as Iceland does, then again, the need for nuclear/atomic energy is not there. Please know that those of us who support nuclear energy also support hydro-electric dams, geothermal, etc. We must use atomic/nuclear energy as well and know that there I am an environmentalist who supports nuclear energy.

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