Six Weird Things About Me
Bazl from tagged me, asking that I follow her post about six weird things about her with a post of my own.
Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about you. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don t forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
Like Bazl, I really don’t comment on some peoples’ blogs enough to account for six. She did two, so I will do two as well. Maybe Kristen and Poppy.
Okay, my list-
- I collect belches. Since I have had my domain for so long, I have amassed a hefty collection of digitally recorded belches. Gross, yeah. Often very funny. But collecting them makes me weird.
- Wormholes gross me out. No, I’m not talking about Star Trek lore- I mean real trails left behind in rotting wood or ground where worms have blazed a trail. I have no idea why it makes my skin crawl, but it does. When I used to weld for a living, a flaw in the finished product could produce metallic “wormholes” in the surface of the weld, and it always creeped me out.
- I was once the “best man” at a lesbian wedding. It was a beautiful civil ceremony between a co-worker of mine and her partner. I have lost contact with her over the years and often wonder how the “marriage” worked out.
- When it comes to tear-jerker movies, I often roll my eyes, or worse, secretly take delight in the fact that the leading lady keeps botching her attempts to get the man of her dreams. But in the Spider-man movies, when Mary Jane calls Peter Parker “tiger” I get a little misty.
- I think the dirtiest spot on any person’s body is the belly button. Watching anyone dig into their navel and pull out a wad of linty goodness would make me throw up in my mouth.
- I am hopelessly fascinated at watching short-order cooks cooking over a large griddle with that long spatula. They cook everything with butter, are super quick with the orders, and skilled at their jobs. I find myself sometimes a little envious of their ability. Its one skill I secretly want to learn and master. But I would never want to be a short-order cook.
Very interesting. I wasn’t sure if you’d do this or think it was akin to a blog chain letter.
Fabulous collection of belches by the way. Next time my sister is in town I’m making a recording. She has quite impressive abilities.
I shall comply. Give me time to get over my “I have no idea what my weird ness is” panic then I’ll post.
I am soooo right there with you about belly buttons. They’re disgusting. (And feet. Which is something I’ll likely blog about.)
I have overcome my panic and completed the task. Thanks for thinking of me!
Hey Pat
Remind me to show you a sample of my Belly Fluff collection when I am next in Town. I have collected all of my Tummy Fuzz since the age of Six and it now takes up a considerable portion of my garage, I even have some special pouches that I use when I am away from home for long periods of time. The whole collection is in date order and sealed in plastic pouches to preserve that original semi damp and tighly wound look.
Nov 17th 2003, 36 hours drinking in DC, no shower or change of clothes… that is a special little package!