
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

HumorStupid People

Duke Lacrosse Whore is Pregnant

The Duke Lacrosse case is getting ridiculous. Now it seems that the stripper is about to ruin one more life- that of her unborn child. Given that there is no way that this woman, who is as common as a barber chair, could tell who the father is, perhaps she can go on Maury’s show to find out who “da baby daddy is.”

From the AP here:

The woman at the center of the Duke lacrosse rape case is pregnant and due to give birth any day, roughly nine months after the team party where she says she was raped by three men in a bathroom.

The pregnancy was confirmed late Thursday by a person familiar with the case, speaking to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity. Both Fox News and WRAL-TV in Raleigh reported she gave birth Thursday night.

The person who confirmed the pregnancy to the AP had no information about the father. Defense attorneys have stressed for months that no sex occurred at the party and they have cited DNA testing that found genetic material from several males in the accuser’s body and her underwear but none from any member of the lacrosse team.

Medical records included in a defense motion filed Thursday were not made public. It wasn’t clear whether a pregnancy test was taken immediately after the party.

I did a registry search at Babies-R-Us and could not find Janette Rivers’ registry. But here is what you will see on Maury. Click the pic below to see the clip. Thanks to S&L for the news tip.

Update! She had the baby Thursday. She returns to work on the stripper pole tonight.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Duke Lacrosse Whore is Pregnant

  • Bhattacharya

    Blacks must be treated fairly as other ethnic groups. If a Black person (man or woman) has qualifications to be an engineer, physicist, etc. then they must get the job. If a Black man (or woman) commits a crime, then there must be fair punishment based on facts & circumstances of case as any other ethnic group would get & there must be no cruel & unusual punishment, which means no mutilations. In some African nations such as Somalia, stealing has in past been punished by cutting off hands. Now thieves should go to jail but it’s wrong to mutilate limbs. It’s wrong to mutilate Black men & women convicted of crimes. In fact, it is wrong to mutilate people of any ethnic group & it’s wrong to mutilate people convicted of crimes regardless of their ethnic group. So with crime, if a person commits a crime, that whether they’re White, Black, Native American, Asian-that there must be = punishment based on the crime committed & that there must be no cruel & unusual punishment.

    = treatment by law also means that if a White person is committs a crime, that there must be =& fair punishment if they’re guilty, with no cruel & unusual punishment. Also means that if a White person is innocent, then they should be acquitted or have the accusation dismissed. The 2006 Duke rape case comes to mind. The White men were falsely accused of raping a Black woman, but even after proof arose that they were innocent, there were people who wanted them convicted though they were innocent-there were even Whites who did not care that the Duke men were innocent.

    I would not be surprised if filmmaker Quentin J. Tarantino (¾ White & ¼ Cherokee) sees nothing wrong (did not see his movie Django Unchained-Pulp Fiction is the only Tarantino movie I have seen) sees nothing wrong with what C.G. Mangum’s (Duke accuser) did & didn’t care that the Duke Men were innocent as Mr. Q.J. Tarantino seems to have what some call ‘Recovering Southerner Syndrome’ or ‘Passover Syndrome’ as the White prosecutor did in the Duke case where he did not care that the White men were innocent of raping a Black woman, he just cared about his image of he takes seriously crimes against Blacks even if it means prosecuting men he knew were innocent. Incidentally, it’s rumored that Q.J. Tarantino has a race movie called Killer Crow which if the rumor is true, then the movie will be predictable like Django.

    Money gave the Duke men an advantage in that rich people can recover faster from this as they can afford better lawyers but what saved them is the fact that DNA tests disproved Crystal Gail Mangum. Had the men she falsely accused been poor esp. poor Black men, then the possibility is more of conviction as they would not be able to afford the best lawyers, would likely have public defenders.

    Crytal Gail Mangum had problems long before her Duke false accusation such as Crystal Gail Mangum’s a junky who used crack, drunk driving and she had drug/alcohol problems. If she had been prosecuted and convicted of being a false accuser, then it’s possible the man she killed would still be alive today. She only got 88 days in jail for her 2010 child abuse conviction when she should have gotten more punishment. Crystal Gail Mangum had problems long before her Duke accusation and her problems worsened after. There are people who side with Crystal Gail Mangum even after it was proven she lied.

    Something else to regard. It’s possible that Crystal Gail Mangum had threatened or even committed assault & battery on her boyfriend, only that he tolerated it until it got him murdered. It is known that if a woman slaps her husband or even stabs her husband or boyfriend, men are more likely to tolerate this.

    Crystal Gail Mangum had a history before the day she murdered her boyfriend and her problems were not solved. Do not be surprised if Crystal Gail Mangum’s boyfriend believed that he could handle Crystal Gail Mangum’s abuse if it’s true that there were other domestic violence incidents. If it’s true that Crystal Gail Mangum had committed assault & battery on her boyfriend or had threatened him before with a knife, then he should have called the cops. Hopefully she would have been convicted, gotten counseling to change her conduct (if it succeeds). But he did not do this and in the end it got him murdered.

    Anyhow, it’s possible that there are other things which Crystal Gail Mangum did. Hope you have thoughts because the Duke case is old news. I agree that her false accusation had no relevance to the murder trial and prosecution did not raise this. Crystal Gail Mangum was judged mainly on the facts of the murder case and again the jury convicted her of Murder 2 and she will spend @least 14 years in prison (believe with credit given for time incarcerated).

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