
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


World AIDS Day

President Bush has done more to stamp out AIDS than any other leader in any other country in the world EVER. In some parts of Africa the HIV/AIDS infection rate is topping 89 percent. And AIDS activists still try to give GWB a hard time because he has made abstinence part of his fight against AIDS.

From the AFP here:

US President George W. Bush joined other leaders around the world in renewing a vow to combat a disease that has claimed more than 25 million lives in 25 years and for which a cure and vaccine remain dismayingly elusive.

“The pandemic of HIV/AIDS can be defeated, and the United States is willing to take the lead in that fight,” he said.

Bush spelled out Washington’s leading role as a funder for access to AIDS drugs in poor countries, but he also put a big emphasis on promoting abstinence.

That tactic is derided by many AIDS activists as moralizing and unworkable, even potentially dangerous, for young people at the dawn of their sexual lives. These campaigners plead instead for sex education and access to condoms.

Fighting AIDS “includes the ABC approach, encouraging abstinence, being faithful, and using condoms, with abstinence as the only sure way to avoid the sexual transmission of HIV/AIDS,” said Bush.

Africa is full of superstitious people, some of which believe that if they have sex with a virgin, the AIDS virus will disappear. You wanna talk about dangerous ideas? How about children as young as 6 months being raped for a false belief that it will cure AIDS?

The only sure way to avoid sexual transmission of HIV is abstinence. As long as President Bush keeps writing bigger checks to fight AIDS than anyone else in the world, AIDS activists should shut the hell up.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “World AIDS Day

  • More of what this President is doing to fight AIDS, including the fact that the US accounts for half of all the money spent globally fighting AIDS can be found here:

    President Bush committed $15 billion over five years, and our nation is on track to exceed this commitment.

    The United States committed approximately $2.4 billion to the Emergency Plan in fiscal year 2004, $2.8 billion in FY05, and $3.2 billion in FY06. To give you a sense of how things have changed, for 2007 alone, the President has requested more than $4 billion – well more than four times what we provided in 2001. The $4 billion includes support for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, of which the United States is the largest supporter.

    With this massive increase in funding, the United States accounts for roughly half of all resources going into the global fight against AIDS. We provide about as much on global HIV/AIDS as the rest of the developed world’s governments combined. America has kept its promise, and continues to lead the world in its level of support for effective partnerships against HIV/AIDS. This is a commitment from which the U.S. will not turn away.

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