
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CyberHumorStupid PeopleYou're Fired!

K-Fed Fired From Husband Duties

So Britney is kicking K-Fed to the curb. Cool. And by the way, Kevin, you are white. From Fresno. You are not a rapper, you douche. Yeah, Marshall Mathers can rap as a white boy, but he is from Detroit. In Detroit, you don’t have spelling bees, you have rap competitions.

This is a great news article, revealing Britney’s rage-out at Kevin, calling him a useless nobody. She later has the divorce papers drawn up and then sends him a text message to his Blackberry telling him he’s cooked.

No word on whether or not Britney’s pregnant again.

From ThisisLondon:

Britney Spears told husband of two years Kevin Federline that she was divorcing him via a text message while he was recording a TV interview.

The 24-year-old singer decided it was all over on Monday after a very tempestuous marriage and sent a message to Kevin’s BlackBerry telling him exactly that.

The wannabe rapper, 27, was filming a segment for MuchMusic in Canada at the time. He interrupted the interview and stormed off, returning 30 minutes later visibly upset.

Just last week the pop princess had a furious Halloween bust-up with K-Fed, and she was overheard screaming: “You’re useless – you’re nobody,” at him at the nightclub launch of his own rap album.

Federline, her former backing dancer, was later seen crouched in a corner crying. He then spent last weekend in New York plugging his debut album, before heading to Canada on Monday.

The couple, who married in September 2004 after dating for three months, had arranged to meet in New York but Kevin checked into a separate hotel, leaving Britney with their two sons, Sean Preston, one, and two-month-old Jayden James.

She was later seen in tears as she exchanged angry words with her husband on her mobile phone. He is believed to have stood her up, preferring to hit the town with five friends instead.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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