
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Islam Means Misogyny: FGM

FGM is Female Genital Mutilation. And the United States will not tolerate any of that here, as Khalid Adem found out in Georgia. He took a pair of scissors and cut off the labia and clitoris of his 2-year old daughter. This was done to permanently make the girl subservient to all men, to deny her any sexual gratification, and to protect her honor.

Though the article refuses to say what religion this monster practices, make no mistake: He is a follower of Mo.
From the Atlanta Constitution here:

Adem, 30, was charged with aggravated battery and cruelty to children more than three years ago and, if convicted, could face 40 years in prison. He was born in Ethiopia, where circumcision is a common procedure for young girls.

Police say Adem circumcised his daughter with scissors in his Duluth apartment, while someone else held the girl’s legs.

Authorities said the circumcision occurred sometime in 2001 but the mother didn’t discover it until two years later. The mother told police she learned about it while arguing with Adem about female circumcision. The mother told police that she told Adem she didn’t want that to happen to their daughter, but Adem implied the circumcision had already occurred.

The mother went to a doctor who confirmed that the girl had been circumcised. The girl then told Gwinnett authorities that her father had done it. He was arrested in March 2003.

The African practice of female circumcision has been denounced for decades by health and human rights activists. In some areas in Africa, it is considered a coming-of-age ritual.

Opponents claim the procedure, which may involve the removal of the clitoris or all of the external genitalia, is extremely painful, medically unnecessary and unsafe. It is illegal in the United States and has been condemned by the United Nations.

The centuries-old practice is performed for many reasons, including to curtail sex drive and preserve virginity. It also is a prerequisite for marriage in some cultures, experts say.

The jury convicted him. He cried when he heard the verdict, but didn’t shed a tear when he lopped off his daughter’s genitals.

From the Washtimes here:

Khalid Adem could be sentenced up to 40 years for his conviction of aggregated battery and cruelty to children charges, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution said Wednesday.

Adem, 31, cried after the verdict was read, the newspaper reported.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “Islam Means Misogyny: FGM

  • i being a muslim wants to clearify here that the person has no right to do what he has commited
    It is against Islam and He should be charged for attempted murder whose result is to hang him
    yes i do say hang him

  • You see Sohail,
    You say hang him, because that is acceptable punishment according to Sharia. But female genital mutilation is widely practiced and accepted in some muslim cultures because an Imam said so, which makes it allowable under sharia.

    and no, we dont hang people in our country anymore. Unlike you barbarians, we have outgrown brutal public executions.

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