
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Every Knee Shall Bow and Every Tongue Confess…

That Global warming is real and caused by mankind and the US’s refusal to sign Kyoto.

If not, members of the media, and the looney worshippers of Eco-religion will try to equate you to denying that the Holocaust took place.

The media insists that the debate is over. Every scientist is in agreement. Global warming is a catastrophe. Bah!

The media and the Democrats and the Eco-worshippers are just cranking up the rhetoric. Lets see, six million jews died in the Holocaust. No one has died due to Global Warming. There is evidence that the Holocaust took place. There are the bones. The photos. The missing people. And of course, the mass graves. But for global warming, there are a few photos that show some receding glaciers. But no dead bodies. No extinctions of animals. No rising tides.

Do Eco-worshippers try to equate polar bears and penguins to Jews? How does a 1 degree temperature change over the past century equate to the systematic attempt at genocide?

This summer has been milder than the last few summers. Only one week this summer, at the beginning of August, was it uncomfortably hot. Today is the first of September and already there is a chill in the air. There is a tropical depression, formerly known as “Ernesto” blowing some water out in the parking lot.

Global Warming is not caused by mankind, nor by the American policies dealing with the environment. To say otherwise is extremist. And to try to equate Global Warming to a real crime in Germany is hate speech. In Islam, if you speak out against their religion, it is a crime. I guess Eco-religionsts want to do the same thing- criminalize those that speak out against their religion.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Every Knee Shall Bow and Every Tongue Confess…

  • Bhattacharya

    whether or not man made global warming is happening, we are better off w/o pollution. We must build cars with better mileage and use cleaner fuels. Smart energy policy requires we use nuclear/atomic energy, hydroelectric and geothermal prudently. The main thing here is that we must save fossil fuels such as limiting natural gas to fuel cars and reduce coal usage. That’s why we must use nuclear/atomic power, geothermal and hydroelectric dams combined.

    I am not an expert on global warming and yes, it is possible that greenhouse gases raise Earth’s temperature by adding to natural changes that have already happened. Yes, it is true that the oil industry hires those who deny man made global warming and who deny the dangers of greenhouse gases. But to me, the main thing again is that cleaning pollution is a good thing whether or not global warming is caused by greenhouse gases.

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