CBS to Katie Couric: Take a Lesson From Nicole Richie
Take a look at the above photos. See what’s different? Katie looks thinner on the right. The photo on the left is the original, and the one on the right was newly released in a magazine published by CBS, who just hired Katie to take over Dan Rather’s slot on the nightly news.
Now, there are only two explanations for why CBS would want to alter the photo.
1. Katie was unhappy because she thinks she is fat and asked for the picture to be altered.
2. CBS thinks Katie is fat and altered the photo.
If it is number two, and I’m pretty sure it is, then Katie should take note that her new boss thinks that she should shed a few pounds. Because its just too hard to look perky with more than one chin!
Thanks to HotAir and MoonBattery for the story!
Update! Matt Drudge picked up the story today and headlined it on his site. Its confirmed. The Tiffany Network did this without telling Katie about it. So CBS does say that she is too fat. My question is why does any news organization need a photoshop expert on staff?