
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Update on MySpace Runaway

I wrote previously about the Lester family. The parents have anti-American leanings and are heavily influenced by islamic culture because they first blamed Homeland Security for failing to stop their daughter leaving the country and they live in proximity to Detroit, the largest concentration of Islam in the United States. The Lester parents do not monitor their daughter’s computer usage and allowed the girl to get a passport. The 16 year old daughter, Katherine, ran away to meet a muslim man from the West Bank, and got turned around in Amman, Jordan and sent home.

It turns out that I was correct in my assumptions about the islamic influences on young Katherine. She ran away so she could convert to islam, wear a hibjab, and essentially give away all of her rights and freedoms so she could become the property of an Islamic man.

But things dont add up. The palestinian man’s mother gave an interview about the whole mess. Read it below from the AP here:

NABLUS, West Bank — The mother of a West Bank man who invited a 16-year-old American to the Mideast to get married says she is distraught that the teenager has returned home and hopes to bring the couple together.

Sana Jinzawi says she was waiting at the airport in Tel Aviv to pick up Katherine Lester, who met her 20-year-old son Abdullah on the popular Web site.

Lester had boarded a flight to Israel last week after slipping out of her mother’s house in Gilford, Mich. But U.S. authorities intercepted her at a stopover in Amman, Jordan, on Friday, seized her passport and put her on a flight home.

The wedding is off — at least for now. Sana Jinzawi said by telephone from her West Bank home in Jericho Wednesday that her son was heartbroken and insisted the two are in love.

She was going to sign a marriage contract as soon as she got here,” the mother said, adding she told Lester to “bring a pink dress for the engagement party and a white dress for the wedding.”

She wanted to convert to Islam and wear the head covering and live with us and adopt our culture,” Sana Jinzawi said.

Jericho, a dusty backwater of 17,000 people, is a place of relative calm in the West Bank, where Israelis and Palestinians frequently clash.

Abdullah Jinzawi, who works in his father’s business delivering goods to minimarkets, is no longer giving interviews. But in a phone interview with WNEM-TV in Saginaw, Mich., on Saturday, he said he met Lester on the Web seven months ago, that he was a wealthy businessman and that he wanted to marry her. He said he sent her the money for the flight.

Sana Jinzawi said five other Jericho residents had brought American girls to Jericho in recent years and that all the couples now live in the U.S.

Here is what doesn’t add up. First, it costs between 2 and 5 Thousand dollars to fly from New York City to Amman, Jordan. Secondly, the palestinian territory of the West Bank is a refugee camp. No one there, except for settled Jews, has any money of consequence. The town of Jericho has barely any hotels, no real restaurants, and is essentially a dusty, poverty-stricken hovel. This family delivers groceries for a living. To minimarts. In a refugee camp. This is not a huge money-making enterprise. But according to the story, they ponied up the dough to fly Katherine Lester to the Middle East.

The Palestinian mother says that the girl intended to sign a marriage contract, which is customary in Islam. But according to Sharia law, any marriage where the bride’s parents do not give permission is an invalid marriage. Also, it is very common for the woman’s family to provide a sizeable dowry to the man’s family for marriage.

Finally, the Palestinian mother notes that several other West Bank men were able to immigrate out of the hellish West Bank and into America by marrying American girls who were brought over from Internet dating sites.

I have said it several times on Trench’s site here and here that I believe that this was a failed kidnapping attempt. I think the palestinian family intended to shake down the Lesters for a dowry and for passage for their son out of the West Bank.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

5 thoughts on “Update on MySpace Runaway


  • Rojames,

    Maybe she ran away because she was so frightened by your allcaps message! Go troll another message board.

  • Are we still only at this point ??? Where on earth do you get the idea that Muslim Womens family have to pay a dowry to the Muslim Man or his family…this is ludicris! I AM A MUSLIM and it is NOT how it is done my friend.
    In Islam the MAN must pay the Bride (not her family) a dowry in order to give her security incase of any divorce and as a sign of his willingness and preparedness to care for her and provide her needs. This is authentic, islamic, quranic etc etc. What YOU are actually referring to sounds like Hindu religion/culture in India where brides pay grooms family money etc. Please don’t confuse that with MY religion…which banned female infanticide when it was rampant, where raising daughters is an honour and said to bring extra blessings and which made women NOT property of men after christianity did (hence why we do not take our husbands last name and keep our own because WE ARE NOT MENS PROPERTY. (MRS= Master’s or mister’s…do some background work)
    We women also were given inhgeritence rights by Islam where previously there were none (despite what your media is trying to convince you all of) and also liberated us from being sexual objects to be exploited by men by concealing our beauty for the men who really deserve a peek (i.e. the ones who marry and raise us and care for us and provide sustenance and love) not any Joe Blow in the street! I also do not have to break my back in high heels or feel the metal wire of push up bras digging in my skin in order to be “sexy” enough for a man to find me valuable. Im valued for my mind and personality not my cleavage.
    Laslty I would just like to add that I converted to Islam 5 years ago so that I would literally have real rights as a woman and anything I earn is strictly prohibited for my husband to touch in Islam…yep it is all mine for my own pleasure because HE MUST provide the food shelter clothing education etc.
    And for all the “feminists” we Muslims already had equal rights, just different rights regarding what our natural duties and inclinations are. Maybe you need to be fighting for EQUITY not EQUALITY, I really hate what feminists did to western culture because it is as if they TOOK AWAY my right to stay home and raise my children and and now Im expected in this culture to go our and bust my ass by holding down jobs and managing children and shipping them off to other people who can care for them while Im out proving my “worth” in society. to prove what…that I am as a good as a man? Who said I wasn’t as good before? I am just different, I have a vagina and breasts and feel no need for a penis or balls thank you! Nor do I think men would fancy the idea of giving birth! same equality sisters different roles..not less important! Look at the generation of young people now, it is out of control, look at the violence…WHERE ARE THEIR MOTHERS? oh…they are busy at work, not parenting.
    If you want to have it all…Islam does not stop any woman from education work etc…just do it wisely and in stages so that when you have a family you can actually take care of them.
    Anyways, the whole ignorance about Islam is too much is getting ridiculous how much people think they “know” about a relgion they really obviously know nothing about.

  • Capt. Bravo (Ret.)

    Another brainwashed ‘merican lost to the Satanic worship of a false prophet.

  • Regina McGlashen

    Rojames…Oh yes…nothing like pedophelia, total domination, death to infidels, a fake god and the subserviance of women to lure a woman in. Maybe you should check yourself and decide if you want to burn in hell with your 72 virgins or accept Jesus Christ as your savior. muslims are savage and without compassion for humanity and have demonstrated that for hundreds of years, so dont waste your time trying to justify your brutality and ignorance on an internet forum. Troll where they like beasts and camel humping.

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