
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Gore Movie is Eco-Flop

With most of the Hollywood critics creaming their jeans over Gore’s movie Inconvenient Truth, you would think that people would be flocking to see it. Its the most important film in the history of cinema acording to Reverend Al and his sactimonious crew of eco-religionists, and just the mere purchase of a ticket would earn eco-sinners less time in Carbon Purgatory.

So everyone went to see it, right? Not everyone could get into the sold out theaters showing X-Men 3 and Davinci Code, right? Surely some dummies stuck around to eat popcorn in a dark room and at least accidentally saw Gore’s eco-flick right? Wrong.

According to the weekend Box Office Results, Gore’s Inconvenient Truth came in 19th out of the top 20 movies, beating only Art School Confidential, and it only earned 283 Thousand Dollars. Given the average price of tickets, this translates into less that 35,000 people that wanted to see Gore’s doom-and-gloom version of what is going to happen to the world.

So the real Inconvenient Truth that Gore should get to understand is that no one believes his chicken-little version of science. And if they do, no one wants to pay to see his power point presentation about it. And if his box office take is this low, his DVD sales will be abyssmal too. I guess his movie will go from the silver screen straight to YouTube where it belongs.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Gore Movie is Eco-Flop

  • Bhattacharya

    Dr. Jones, you’re wrong when you say no one belives Al Arnold Gore Jr.’s global warming view because though movie didnt’ do well, people believe man made global warming happens. I think that global warming is result of both nature & greenhouse gases, but it could be that nature does more of that with greenhouse gases worsening. I don’t think in censoring climatologists who don’t believe in man made global warming. Yes, fossil fuel industry pays them but again, there’s enough bad things about pollution such as greenhouse gases about what they do to water & air that we can talk about them w/o global warming. We can talk about asthma, lung diseases, etc. which are caused by pollution incl. greenhouse gases.

    Drinking dirty water and breathing bad air caused by all pollution incl. greenhouse gases are enough reasons for wanting pollution incl. greenhouse gases reduced. Fossil fuel industry, climatologists & politicians who dispute greenhouse gases & global warming can not dispute the fact that pollution causes breathing problems & diseases from bad air & water which we know pollution does. Coal is dirty and filters, scrubbers, etc. while they make things cleaner doesn’t change the fact coal is dirty.

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