
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


MySpace is So Not Cool Anymore

There are media and internet pundits that are proclaiming the pending demise of MySpace. They may be right, but they may also speak too soon….

From TechDirt:

Is the tide turning for MySpace? Like all social-networking sites, its biggest risk was that it would be little more than the latest blip on fickle surfers’ online radar, like so many of its predecessors. It looks like the tide might be turning for MySpace, with a growing number of stories saying it’s not cool any more, and plenty of papers looking to pile on, and talk up MySpace’s myriad competitors. It’s similar to how they all fell in line with the “dangers of MySpace” stories, but really, this cycle shouldn’t be surprising to anybody that remembers Friendster, Orkut or any of the other hot new social-networking sites that came before.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “MySpace is So Not Cool Anymore

  • And when a new one emereges we’ll be there. 😆

  • Yep. More fake accounts with anonymous names. I collect these things like trading cards.

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