So why hasn’t Belch.Com been updated?
I get this question a lot from fans of the site. has not been updated in over two years. I apologize for my lack of attention to the site. Not to make excuses, but I simply had my attention elsewhere. But Belch.Com is going to be updated very soon, to include new belches, this blog, and a site-wide makeover. Please bear with me while these changes are taking place.
The biggest change is going to be this blog. I have long wanted to post more opinion pieces on this site, but the technology and time simply wasn’t available to me. I toyed around with a guestbook, but it attracted some questionable content, so I axed it. Now, thanks to WordPress, I can post just about everything I want. And for those that are familiar with the irreverent articles I have posted elsewhere on Belch.Com, you can look forward to more of the same. That means more humor, more controversy and more truth will soon grace these pages.
So what was so important that it could distract me from keeping the site updated? Well, lots of things. For one, I got married to the most wonderful woman in the world, who, by the way, has continually urged me to take up my webmaster duties with more gusto. (And yes, you can still send me a wedding gift! Email me and I will provide instructions )
I have refocused my career, quit smoking, began to exercise regularly, and purchased a new home. Yes, life has changed for me quite a bit, but now I’m back. Keep checking in, or subscribe to the RSS feed to get updates.